5 Things To Know When Planning a Video for Your Business 

5 Things To Know When Planning a Video for Your Business 

Video marketing is an essential component to your overall marketing strategy.   There is so much you can with video, and a lot of different platforms where you can share it and attract your ideal customers. While there is definitely not a ‘one-size-fits all’ approach to creating your videos, there are some basic things you should know before hitting the record button. 

1. Know Your Goal

First, what’s your goal?  Are you trying to inspire, educate, or maybe you just want to sell something directly? Let’s say you want to educate your audience on a topic that is complex and technical. In this case, it’s very important to have clear visuals that supports what is being said verbally. Here’s where adding graphics and animation is beneficial. These visuals go a long way in telling that a compelling story that the audience can clearly and quickly understand. 

5 Things You Should Know When Planning a Video for Your Business

2. Know Your Budget

Do you have the budget to hire a professional camera crew to shoot on location, or the money to hire actors, VoiceOver artists and graphic designers? If you do, that’s fantastic. You’ll have a lot more options. But, if you don’t have the budget for all the bells and whistles right now, that’s okay.  There are many ways to get those shots. This is an opportunity to think creatively and incorporate stock footage or animation. You can also pick up your own smartphone and take photos or videos on your own of what ever needs to be included in your video.

3. Know Your Resources

It’s also important to know what you have to work with. Do you have a lot of cool videos, photos visuals or other existing elements that you can include in the project? Does your home have interesting rooms where you can shoot?  How about your business? Do you have multiple locations to choose from? 

Take a look at your personal skills.  Are you good on-camera? Can you record the voiceover? If not, how about your clients, colleagues, and staff? I bet they have a lot to offer. Find out if they are open to providing a testimonial or digging up some great props?

4.  Know Your Timeframe

The fourth thing you need to know when planning a video for your business is how much time do you have? When does this video need to be done? Do you have 3 weeks or 3 days? These are two very different timeframes. Do you need anyone else’s approval other than your own? This is very important in determining your timeline and your production schedule, especially when you are working with multiple people and coordinating multiple schedules. 

5. Know If Permission is Required

Are you planning to include music, video or photos into your project that you don’t personally own? Copyright laws are real. Just because you found something on the Internet, or purchased a song from Apple Music, does not mean you have the rights to use it in your video.  Go through the proper channels to legally license material that you don’t own. Failing to do so could result in unexpected and costly expenses. 

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